MS Pryce C1: Devotional Luxury
Dublin Core
MS Pryce C1: Devotional Luxury
This elaborately decorated Book of Hours (The Vosper Hours) is a late fifteenth-century manuscript from Langres, France. While many Books of Hours contained materials such as owners' names and hand-written texts and annotations, this manuscript has no distinguishable traces of ownership. The seventeen large miniatures in this Book of Hours are attributed to the Maître du Missal de Troye
MS Pryce C1
Spencer Research Library Special Collections, University of Kansas
c. 1460-1470s
235 x 162 mm
Book of Hours
Spencer Research Library Special Collections, MS Pryce C1
Items in the MS Pryce C1: Devotional Luxury Collection
MS Pryce C1: Devotional Luxury
This elaborately decorated Book of Hours ("The Vosper Hours") is a late fifteenth-century manuscript from Langres, France. While many Books of Hours contained materials such as owners' names and hand-written texts and annotations, this manuscript has…
MS Pryce C1: Personal Devotion
This particular Book of Hours was likely used for private devotional practice and worship within the confines of its owner's home. While there are no identifying marks or clear indications of the book's original owner, the book's contents suggest…
MS Pryce C1: Devotion in Time
This sumptuous manuscript includes the traditional contents of Books of Hours: the Calendar of Saints, excerpts from the four Gospels, the Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Penitential Psalms, the Hours of the Cross, the Hours of the Holy Spirit, and…
MS Pryce C1: Devotional Luxury
This elaborately decorated Book of Hours ("The Vosper Hours") is a late 15th-century manuscript from Langres, France. While many Books of Hours contained materials such as owners' names and hand-written texts and annotations, this manuscript has no…
MS Pryce C1: Devotion in the Details
The Master of the Troyes Missal incorporated both archaic and contemporary iconographic details into his artwork. His choice of animated roundels may be inspired by one of his predecessors, the Bedford Master. The illustrations beginning Matins and…
MS Pryce C1: Movement in the Margins
Marginal borders were a central feature of Books of Hours and they offered some of the greatest opportunities for artistic invention and innovation. Borders could serve as entertainment, but they could also carry liturgical messages and devotional…